Lab School

Family Information
Families as Partners
Families are viewed as essential partners in the Lab School program. It is the partnership between the family and the staff that will help create the best possible experience for children. Families are invited to engage in ongoing communication with staff, to observe their child in action from the observation booths, to share their unique talents and experience, and to become an active member in the Lab School’s Family Partners Group.
Observation Booths
Observation booths are located outside of each classroom. Parents and other adult family members are always welcome to use these observation booths during school hours without an appointment. From time to time, the booths may be reserved specifically for larger groups of student observers. In these cases, we will post a sign on the observation booth door.
Communication and Engagement
Communication between Master Teachers, staff, and family members is critical. The Lab School staff members are prepared to work with families to communicate in their preferred language or through translation. If at any time a family member feels that a situation calls for conflict resolution, they are encouraged to bring this to the attention of the Master Teacher. If the situation is not resolved, they are asked to include the Director in the conversation.
Family changes affect children. Families should share with the Master Teacher any changes which might affect their child such as death or illness of a close relative or friend, moving, parents traveling for an extended length of time, separation of parents, or other significant events that might affect the child. Likewise, Master Teachers will share with families school events that might affect their child.
Family/Teacher Conferences will allow families to talk privately and in-depth with the child’s Master Teacher about their child’s progress at school as well as any concerns families may have. Conferences are scheduled two times each year, but family members are welcome to request a conference at any time. Children are generally not included in conferences; however, Master Teachers may decide to include a child in a conference if appropriate.
Family Participation
Family members are encouraged to participate in the Lab School’s Family Partners Group and/or Sunshine Committee. The Family Partners Group supports the Lab School through fundraising efforts and funds different projects as decided with the Lab School Director and Master Teachers. The Sunshine Committee provides the Lab School’s staff with yummy treats and fun surprises throughout the school year.
Periodically, the Lab School staff and/or Family Partners group offer parent meetings on topics of interest as well as fun family events. These are great opportunities to meet other parents and develop supportive relationships with adults who share the common experience of parenting a young child.
Families are encouraged to share special skills or interests with the children in the Lab School. In the past, family members have played an instrument for and with the children, demonstrated a craft, brought in an unusual pet, taught a song in another language, cooked a recipe, and provided dramatic play props and other materials from diverse cultural backgrounds. Families should talk with their child’s Master Teacher about how they would like to share their talents and interests.
Forms and Important Links for Families
Complete the Lab School Application
- Family Questionnaire
- Delaware Child Health Form – Please make sure your child’s health form includes your child’s LEAD TEST RESULTS. Without these results, the health form will not be considered complete.
- Routine Program Outings Form
- Research and Photo Release Packet
- Adult Photo Release – The Lab School staff takes many pictures. We kindly ask you to complete this form for adult family members who would be coming to school events.
- Emergency Info (all families)
- OCCL Child Health Appraisal (new families & current families if your child’s appraisal has expired)
- Family Camp Questionnaire (all families)
- Routine Program Outings Form (new families)
- Right to Know and Screen Time (new families)
- Research and Photo Release Packet (new families)
Tuition is paid in 9 monthly installments from September-May and is due the first of each month.
Families have three options for paying tuition:
- Click here to Pay Online. You will need your checking account, routing number, and the tuition amount
- Write a check payable to the UD Lab School. Deliver in-person to our front desk or mail to UD Lab School, 459 Wyoming Road Newark, DE 19716.
- To register for an automatic monthly withdrawal from your checking account, call 302-831-2304.
- For other tuition inquiries, please call 302-831-2304.